Welcome to VegDUD Day, an event within the WGIC Congress in Nantes !
IRSTV organizes a seminar day in the framework of the WGIC Congresswhich takes place in Nantes, at Nantes Event Center, on Monday 9th september 2013.
This time is devoted to the presentationof the research programVegDUD "Role of vegetation in Sustainable Urban Development"around the question:
What are theimpacts of urbanvegetation on climate, energy, hydrology and ambiences ?
The mainaimof this dayis to givean overview of thescientific methodsthat have been developedand implementedin theVegDUDproject.Some of themwill be further developedduring theWGIC- WorldGreenInfrastructureCongress.
The seminar is organized within the WGIC Conference by VegDUD partners, so for organization purpose, a specific registration is necessary.