
Monday 9th September 2013 - Nantes - Room 150, Nantes Events Center.


10:00 - 10:30      General presentation of the project

Marjorie Musy (IRSTV)

10:30 - 11:00      Typology: prospective work and selected green devices -

                             Caroline Gutleben (Plante&Cité)

11:00 - 11:30       Physiography: data acquisition and management in OrbisGIS -

                             Nathalie Long (LIENSs) & Erwan Bocher (IRSTV)

11:30 - 12:30       Modelling: Christian Inard (LaSIE)

                             - Hydrology - Fabrice Rodriguez (IFSTTAR)

                             - Climate - Isabelle Calmet (LHEEA)

Acoustics1, confort23, Energy345, are presented in WGIC

12.30 - 14:00       Lunch

14:00 - 15:00       Experimentation: Jean-Michel Rosant (LHEEA)

                             - Experimental campaigns - Fabrice Rodriguez (IFSTTAR)

                             - Long-term measurements - Jean-Michel Rosant (LHEEA)

                             - Scale models - Laurent Perret (LHEEA)

                             (Experiments on greenroofs6 and greenwalls4 are presented in WGIC)

   - Remote sensing - Xavier Briottet (ONERA) and Patrick Launeau (LPGN)

15:00 - 15:30       Evaluation:

                             - Overview - Marjorie Musy (IRSTV)

                             - Ambiances - Olivier Balaÿ (CRESSON)


1 G.Guillaume et al., «Acoustic predictions for sustainable development of cities: urban vegetation effects»
2 A. Szucs et al., «Impact of vegetation on human thermal comfort in acanyon street»
3 C. De Munck et al., «Evaluation of greening strategies at the scale of Paris for the improvement of thermal comfort
and energy consumption»
4 R. Djedjid et al., «Impact de enveloppes végétalisés sur la performance énergétique des bâtiments et les microclimats urbains»
5 B. Morille et al., «Indirect influence of green roofs and walls on building energy consumption»
6 D. Yilmaz etal., «Waterretention performance of experimental green roofs»

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